Cosmetic tooth reshaping and contouring is a dental procedure to correct crooked, chipped, cracked or even overlapping teeth in just one session, by reshaping the patient’s own teeth. This process involves removal of a very small amount of tooth structure to alter the length, shape or position of your teeth and achieve a more desirable appearance.
Dental contouring is based on subtle changes. A few millimeters of reduction and a few tenths of a millimeter of shaping can have significant results. Chipped or fractured areas are smoothed out, and specific angles or edges can be rounded to alter the way your smile looks. Contouring can create better alignment or a more feminine or masculine appearance. It can even be a substitute for braces under certain circumstances; we also offer Clear Correct, the invisible alternative to braces, for more complex orthodontic needs.
There is no discomfort to the patient and no anesthetic required. Often, this procedure is coordinated with teeth whitening. Cosmetic reshaping of the teeth is a conservative and inexpensive approach that can make a huge difference in the way you feel about your smile in only one office visit!
What Are the Benefits?
While dental contouring can offer many benefits, cosmetic contouring is the type that is only meant to improve your appearance. With that said, this procedure may offer other perks, even if you’re mostly focused on improving the look of your smile. Whether or not these apply to you will depend on your individual health history and the structure of your enamel.
Benefits of contouring may include:
- Improving your appearance by altering the shape or size of your teeth
- Fixing cracked, chipped, crooked, or improperly aligned teeth
- Improving damage from grinding your teeth (also known as bruxism)
- Grooves or pits in the enamel
- Uneven tooth length
- Pointed teeth
- Making it easier to clean the areas between your teeth
This procedure is often combined with dental bonding to add material to your tooth and increase its volume or shape.

Dr. Hawk has completed advanced training in tooth growth and development and tooth straightening mechanics, allowing him to perform Clear Correct and Cosmetic Contouring with excellent results.