Dentistry for the Modern Age
At Hawk Dental Artistry, we’re dedicated to helping our patients have a great experience while receiving first rate care. This is why we provide the most advanced dental procedures using state-of-the-art technology.
Enjoy a modern dental experience that provides you with preventative measures and less intrusive treatments.
Enamel Remineralization
Who is this for?
Enamel remineralization is indicated with localized decalcification, demineralization, hypo calcification “white spots,” or other conditions that result in an irregular enamel appearance.
How does it work?
We start by isolating the teeth and then the enamel is prepped through micro abrasion to open up the “pores” by lightly pumicing the surface, followed by a phosphoric etch. This process only affects the surface but not the subsurface.
Regeneration of the subsurface immediately after micro abrasion can address the underlying opacity and maximize the aesthetic benefit of treatment. After the tooth is conditioned, calcium phosphate, sodium fluoride, and recaldent penetrate the “pores”, to improve the appearance, sensitivity, and strength of the tooth.
This process is repeated twice during the appointment, and we follow up with three more appointments over 3 to 4 weeks. For the duration of the 4 weeks the patient will need to apply mi paste with a clean finger or a tray to all the treated teeth after normal brushing in the morning and at night.
What are the benefits?
- Treated teeth appear whiter and brighter
- White spots normally disappear completely or appear more blended with surrounding enamel
- Treated teeth are more resistant to acid erosion and demineralization/decay
- Treated teeth are less sensitive
- There is less translucency along the incisal edge which lends towards a more youthful appearance on teeth
Are there any risks?
It is suggested that patients refrain from ingesting staining products during the remineralization cycle since, after etching, the dental tubules are wide open and can easily pick up stain. Avoid tea, coffee, cola drinks, wine, tomato sauce, etc. If you choose to use these products keep it to a minimum, drink through a straw and brush your teeth right after. Patients who have milk protein allergies should not use mi paste.
Results vary between patients depending on the depth of the white spot lesion. The deeper the lesion, the longer it may take for desired results and more cycles will be required.
It is of utmost importance for the patient to comply with apply the mi paste 2 times daily and avoiding stain causing materials to reach the desired results.
Cosmetic Gum Reshaping and Gum Grafting
Improve the look of your smile by changing your gumline.
The gums are an integral part of a person’s smile. Some people have too much gum showing, and others too little. Fortunately, Dr. Hawk offers procedures to treat these problems and enhance the overall look of your smile.
Fix a gummy smile with gum reshaping
Do you feel that your teeth look too short or that your gums cover too much of your teeth? This can create an unattractive “gummy” smile. An uneven gum line can also be distracting. The gum line can be raised to change the look of your smile through gum reshaping, also known as gingival contouring.
A special laser will be used to trim away excessive gum tissue. This quick and painless procedure will make your teeth appear longer. Gum reshaping can also be used to create a more even gum line.
Excessive gum tissue can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, health conditions, and even the use of some high blood pressure medications. This condition is not a medical dilemma but an aesthetic problem.
Treat receding gums with gum grafting
Receding gums can cause your teeth to look too long and make you look older than you are. If you have gaps (pockets) between the teeth and gums, they can trap bits of food, harbor colonies of bacteria, and make it difficult to keep the area clean. Gum grafting can address these issues and restore and rejuvenate your smile.
While some gum recession occurs as we age, it can also often be result of periodontal disease. Periodontal disease must be treated before any cosmetic procedures can take place. Dr. Hawk can perform a thorough examination of your gums and determine if there are conditions present that require treatment.

To find out how Dr. Hawk can change the look of your gums, contact Hawk Dental Artistry today to schedule a complimentary cosmetic consultation.
Oral Cancer Screen
Performing an oral cancer screen at all new patient and hygiene recall appointments is key for early detection of potentially devastating disease. Read more about oral cancer screening.
The most common signs and symptoms are:
- A sore that bleeds easily or does not heal
- Red or white spots or sores anywhere in the oral cavity
- Pain, tenderness, or numbness anywhere in the mouth or on the lips
- A rough spot, lump or thickening
- Difficulty chewing, swallowing, speaking, or moving the jaw or tongue.
Oral cancer is one of the most curable diseases when it’s caught early. That’s why the ViziLite Plus exam has been developed. ViziLite Plus uses technology that has proven successful in identifying soft tissue abnormalities in other areas of the body. A ViziLite Plus exam is particularly important if you are at increased risk for developing oral cancer, although 25% or oral cancer victims do not use tobacco or have any other lifestyle risk factors. That’s why Dr. Hawk recommends the ViziLite Plus exam to all of his patients.

- The ViziLite Plus exam can help Dr. Hawk identify abnormal tissue that might develop into oral cancer. An annual ViziLite Plus exam, in combination with a regular visual examination, provides a comprehensive oral screening procedure for patients at increased risk for oral cancer. The ViziLite Plus exam is painless and fast, and could help save your life. It can be performed in conjunction with your next dental hygiene visit.
- Should you choose to have the exam, you will be asked to rinse your mouth with a special cleansing solution. Then, the overhead lighting will be dimmed for better visibility. Dr. Hawk will then carefully examine your mouth for signs of abnormal tissue using the ViziLite Plus light. As ViziLite Plus passes over oral tissue that has been treated with the rinse solution, normal healthy tissue will absorb the light and appear dark; abnormal tissue will appear white. That’s all there is to it!
The Deadly Statistics
- Every hour of every day, one American dies of oral cancer
- The mortality rate associated with oral cancer has not improved significantly in the last 40 years
- The death rate in the United States for oral cancer is higher than that of cervical cancer, Hodgkin’s disease, cancer of the brain, liver, testes, kidney, or ovary
- More than 30,000 Americans will receive an oral cancer diagnosis this year. In five years, only 57% will still be alive
- 25% of oral cancer victims do not use tobacco or alcohol and have no other lifestyle risk factors
Oral cancer is far too often discovered in late stage development, the primary reason for the consistently high death rate. Oral cancer treatment often results in disfiguring effects on patients, and can seriously compromise their quality of life. Early detection and diagnosis can make a tremendous difference in life expectancy; oral cancer is 90% curable when found in its early stages. Unfortunately, 70% of oral cancers are diagnosed in the late stages, III and IV, leading to a five-year survival rate of 57%.
Famous Victims of Oral Cancer
You may be surprised at how many actors, musicians, sports figures and other famous people have been diagnosed with oral cancer:
- Michael Douglas
- Babe Ruth
- Sigmund Freud
- Sammy Davis, Jr.
- Humphrey Bogart
- Bill Blass
- Alan King
- Bruce Paltrow
- John Gotti
- George Harrison
- Rod Stewart
- Eddie Van Halen
- Roger Ebert
- Lana Turner
- Jack Klugman
- Aaron Spelling
- Burl Ives
- Mary Wells
Teeth Whitening (Bleaching) with Zoom
Brighten your smile up to 12 shades in an hour or less with zoom!
Your smile is important. It’s one of the first things you notice when you meet someone. A whiter, brighter smile is beautiful — it can help you feel better about yourself and make a memorable impression. Did you know whiter teeth can create opportunities for you, both socially and professionally? According to independent studies, it’s absolutely true. Dr. Hawk offers in-office and take-home teeth whitening treatments in his Boca Raton cosmetic dentistry office.
Zoom! Your Way To A Whiter Smile
Your lifestyle and the aging process can stain and darken your teeth. Many things we do on a regular basis can contribute to stained teeth, such as drinking coffee, tea, cola and red wine or smoking. Luckily, the latest tooth whitening technology can help you get the gorgeous white teeth you’ve always wanted.
In just one hour, Zoom! safely whitens teeth an average of eight shades.
When you’ve got a product as great as Zoom! you really have to work hard to take the technology to the next level of clinical performance. Zoom2 does just that. The all-new lamp is built for speed and completes treatment in just three 15-minute sessions. Zoom2 raises the bar to a new level of performance while delivering an average of eight shades, and sometimes as many as twelve, in less than an hour.
Zoom Boost is a new and exciting touch up procedure that is a great option for patients on the go.
Teeth-whitening Results
For the best chances of success and satisfaction, it’s advisable to follow the instructions of the dentist. Follow the instructions of the dentist, keep all dental appointments and use the teeth whitening system ZOOM as directed. People who smoke (including e-Cigs) can also ruin the color of their newly whitened teeth in a matter of a few weeks or months.
To find out more about in-office or at-home teeth whitening, contact Hawk Dental Artistry today to schedule a complimentary cosmetic consultation.
3D Imaging
3-D Ct Scan by I-Cat
3-D dental imaging, known as Dental cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is a special type of x-ray machine used in situations where regular dental x-rays are not sufficient.
This type of CT scanner uses a special type of technology to generate three dimensional (3-D) images of dental structures, soft tissues, nerve paths and bone in the craniofacial region in a single scan. Images obtained with cone beam CT allow for more precise treatment planning and better diagnostic information.
The process is actually very easy and comfortable for you, taking only about 20 seconds.
- Surgical planning for accurate placement of dental implants.
- Diagnosing temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ)
- Evaluation of the jaw, sinuses, nerve canals & nasal cavity.
- Detecting, measuring & treating jaw tumors.
- Determining bone structure & tooth orientation.
- Locating the origin of pain or pathology.
- Cephalometric analysis.
- Reconstructive surgery
Digital X-rays Are The Key To Early Detections and Treatment Of Dental Problems
Digital Radiography revolutionizes dentistry by capturing data directly during the examination and transferring it instantly to a computer system. Dental X-ray examinations, also known as dental radiographs, provide valuable information that helps Dr. Hawk evaluate your oral health. We use digital X-rays in our office for the highest quality imaging and patient safety. Its benefits include enhanced precision for detecting dental concerns, reduced radiation exposure, instant results for faster diagnosis and treatment planning, and eco-friendly approach by eliminating film and chemicals.
With the help of digital X-rays, Dr. Hawk can see what is happening beneath the surface of your teeth and gums. How often you need dental X-rays taken depends on your oral health, your age, your risk for gum disease, and any signs and symptoms of oral disease that you may be experiencing. Children may require more frequent X-rays than adults because their teeth and jaws are still developing.
X-rays For New Patients
If you are a new patient, Dr. Hawk may recommend digital X-rays to determine the present status of your oral health and to help identify potential changes that may occur later. A new set of X-rays may be needed to help detect any new cavities, determine the status of your gum health or evaluate the growth and development of your teeth. If a previous dentist has taken any X-rays of your mouth, it is helpful to bring copies of them to your first appointment, if possible.
Benefits Of A Dental X-ray Examination
Finding and treating dental problems at an early state can save time, money, and unnecessary discomfort. X-rays can help Dr. Hawk detect problems in your mouth that otherwise would not be seen, such as:
- Small areas of decay between the teeth or below existing restorations (fillings)
- Infections in the bone
- Periodontal (gum) disease
- Abscesses or cysts
- Developmental abnormalities
- Some types of tumors
Dental X-rays and Radiation
The amount of radiation we are exposed to from dental X-rays is very small compared to our daily exposure from things like cosmic radiation and naturally occurring radioactive elements (for example, those producing radon). Today’s dentists are very concerned about minimizing the amount of radiation a patient receives at the dental office. We use digital X-rays at Hawk Dental Artistry, as they offer the advantage of 80 percent reduction in radiation exposure compared to traditional film X-ray methods. Digital X-rays also offer instant imaging results, superior image quality and environmentally friendly technology.
This is a great tool to help you become more informed about your dental health, as it gives you a clear understanding of your teeth’s condition.
At Hawk Dental Artistry we are always looking for new, improved ways to help you achieve a healthy smile for life. While x-rays provide valuable information, they don’t give a complete view of everything that is going on inside of your mouth. With the use of an intraoral camera, we can see everything that is going on inside your mouth. With great detail and clarity aspects such as, uncovering cracked teeth, plaque deposits, excessive wear and cavities next to fillings. By discovering oral problems early on, your treatment is much less invasive and much more cost effective.
During your regular hygiene appointment, we use the intraoral camera, and you may not even notice we are using it. You have the opportunity to see on a monitor everything we see in your mouth. This is a great tool to help you become more informed about your dental health, as it gives you clear understanding of your teeth’s condition, and it allows you to make a more informed decision regarding your treatment options.
Panoramic Radiography
Panoramic radiography, also called panoramic x-ray, is a two-dimensional (2-D) dental x-ray examination that captures the entire mouth in a single image, including the teeth, upper and lower jaws, surrounding structures and tissues.
The jaw is a curved structure similar to that of a horseshoe. However, the panoramic x-ray produces a flat image of the curved structure. It usually provides details of the bones and teeth.
An x-ray exam helps doctors diagnose and treat medical conditions. It exposes you to a small dose of ionizing radiation to produce pictures of the inside of the body. X-rays are the oldest and most often used form of medical imaging.
Unlike a traditional intraoral x-ray where the film/x-ray detector is placed inside of the mouth, the film for a panoramic x-ray is contained inside of the machine.
What are some common uses of the procedure?
A panoramic x-ray is a commonly performed examination by dentists and oral surgeons in everyday practice and is an important diagnostic tool. It covers a wider area than a conventional intraoral x-ray and, as a result, provides valuable information about the maxillary sinuses, tooth positioning and other bone abnormalities. This examination is also used to plan treatment for full and partial dentures, braces, extractions, and implants.
A panoramic x-ray can also reveal dental and medical problems such as:
- Advanced periodontal disease
- Cysts in the jaw bones
- Jaw tumors and oral cancer
- Impacted teeth including wisdom teeth
- Jaw disorders (also known as temporomandibular joint or tmj disorders)
- Sinusitis
OraVerse is a breakthrough treatment reverses unwanted lingering numbness in the lips and tongue after routine dental procedures where local anesthetic containing a vasoconstrictor was used. In clinical trials, the patients were able to regain normal sensation twice as fast vs. the control group. These studies showed that on average people who are given OraVerse not only return to normal sensation twice as fast, but they can smile, speak, and drink normally sooner, and drooling is minimized. OraVerse is administered by your dental professional in the same way the local anesthetic was given; since OraVerse is given while you are still numb from the anesthetic, most patients don’t experience injection site discomfort.
Nitrous Oxide
Nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas, is commonly used to alleviate mild to moderate anxiety. Delivered via a compact mask placed over the nose, it proves to be an efficient means of soothing anxiety, increasing one’s tolerance for pain, and creating a perception of time passing more swiftly. Once the gas takes effect, a sense of calmness ensues, allowing the individual to remain awake and engaged in conversation with the dentist.
Upon the conclusion of the appointment, normal breathing with oxygen is resumed, causing the effects of nitrous oxide to dissipate entirely. This enables individuals to promptly resume their usual activities without any lingering impact.
Spraying Away Decay
Air abrasion is a minimally invasive technique used by your dentist to remove tooth decay safely and quickly. During air abrasion, an instrument that works like a tiny sandblaster emits a fine stream of particles aimed at the decayed portion of the tooth. These particles are made of silica, aluminum oxide, or a baking soda mixture. Small particles of decay on the tooth surface are gently and efficiently removed as the stream of particles strikes them. Your dentist will then remove the particles of decay with a simple rinse and suction. Best of all, for many procedures using air abrasion, there is no need for anesthetic, so you’ll be able to have a needle-free experience too.
Dental air abrasion can be used in many treatments instead of a dental drill, including:
- Preparing a cavity for a filling
- Preparing a tooth for bonding or sealants
- Removing old composite restorations
- Removing plaque and tooth decay
- Removing superficial tooth stains and discolorations
The Advantages Of Air Abrasion
- Generates no heat, sound, pressure, or vibration
- Reduces the need for anesthesia, particularly if the cavity is shallow
- Leaves much more of the healthy tooth tissue behind
- Reduces the risk of micro-fracturing and chipping of the tooth
- Allows your dentist to treat multiple sites in your mouth during a single visit
Dental air abrasion is a simple, quick, and effective alternative to the traditional drill. It provides many benefits and reduces anxieties many people associate with a trip to the dentist. Ask us at your next appointment if air abrasion is right for you!
We encourage our patients to ask a lot of questions, and we’re always glad when they do. We’ve listed below some of the questions that we most frequently receive, as well as brief answers to them. We hope they’ll help you get to know us and the treatments we offer. Please contact us if you’d like more information.
Do you accept my insurance plan?
As a complimentary service to you, we are happy to send all documentation to your indemnity or PPO dental insurance company. You will receive reimbursement directly from your insurance company, within 2-3 weeks after your visit at the appropriate rate. HMO insurance are closed panels and will not reimburse out of their network. In order to help you understand your dental benefits and coverage on all procedures, we will also call your insurance company to receive a breakdown of benefits or send in a pre-estimate for your recommended treatment. We are here to assist you!
What makes you different from any other dental practice I can visit?
When you become a patient of our practice, we get to know you as an individual. Since our goal is to help you obtain and then maintain the best possible oral health, we take time to understand your dental history, assess your current dental health status, and think through the best options for your particular needs. We also make sure we equip you with the information you need to make wise and healthy choices for your own long-term dental health. We want to assist you in achieving great dental health and a knock-out smile! Additionally, we believe that our cosmetic restorations are exceptional and back that belief with a warranty on crowns, bridges, and veneers.
Unparalleled Warranty
We believe in the quality of our dental work and want to pass on that confidence to you. Keep up on your dental routine 3-6 month checkups and maintenance as needed and if something we have done breaks, we’ll fix it. Learn More →
How can I have whiter teeth?
There are a number of procedures available to help whiten your smile. Sometimes, our in-office bleaching process will provide the change desired. In other cases, porcelain veneers offer a more effective solution. Dr. Hawk can help evaluate your potential for whitening process, you’ll find that our meticulously fit custom trays and expertly applied gel produce excellent results in often just a few short sessions. Typically, this process results in teeth approximately 2 shades brighter on the dental chart. If you opt for veneer application, you’ll simply need a couple of appointments at our office.
How do I know when it’s time to come in for a check up?
On average, healthy adult person typically benefits from a professional cleaning and check up every six months. However, it’s tough to generalize because every mouth is different. Some people are prone to gum disease, bruxism, or other ongoing oral health concerns that require more frequent visits; others simply need a routine professional tartar removal at regular intervals. That’s why we’re so careful to check methodically and determine what kind of ongoing professional treatment will achieve your optimum dental health.
What if I need to cancel an appointment?
In order to maintain a well-run office, we appreciate as much notice as possible for appointment cancellations. This enables us to work on other patients who need to be seen. A minimum of 24 hours’ notice is requested, otherwise a fee will be assessed.
Will you remind me of my appointment?
We understand how busy you are and that a friendly reminder can be helpful. So yes, our standard practice is to confirm your appointment.
What is a Complimentary Cosmetic Consultation?
Our goal is to provide you with confidence that we are going to listen and communicate with you about your individual wants and needs. We have incorporated several tools to make understanding your choices easier, allow you to visualize your outcome, and help you find a way to make your dreams come true. At your consultation, we will take diagnostic photos for you and Dr. Hawk to evaluate; show you a portfolio of smiles transformed by Dr. Hawk; educate you with a DVD on specific procedures and make sure you have been properly informed; and fabricate lab mockups to use as a guide throughout your treatment. Transforming your smile can literally be a life changing event!
What is Stress-Free Dentistry?
We create a level of comfort for each of your dental experiences. Many advancements in pharmaceuticals allow your appointment to be stress-free and relaxing. Additionally, our office offers nitrous oxide and personalized headphones during dental treatment. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to make your visit more comfortable.
Do you accept referrals? What is Care to Share?
Many of our patients invite their family and friends to join our practice. The referrals we receive are the best compliment, and we strive to make your visit enjoyable so that you, too, will feel inclined to recommend our practice to your family and friends. Ask about our Care to Share referral rewards program during your next visit or contact us for more details.
What payment methods do you accept?
For your convenience, we accept cash, checks and Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover credit cards, as well as Care Credit.
Do you offer financing?
We offer different financing options to help you complete your necessary and elective dental work.
Third-party financing is available through CareCredit. These do not create a conflict for you if you have dental insurance; they are totally independent of our office and Dr. Hawk.
CareCredit is a financing company that offers convenient monthly payment plans. You can apply for CareCredit in our office, by phone at (800) 365-8295, or online at and receive notification immediately of how much you are approved for. CareCredit allows you to choose the number of months you need to stretch out your monthly payments. You can use your CareCredit financing as many times as needed, use it for family members, keep track of your available balance, and contact customer support with any questions or concerns.
For patients who prefer not to use CareCredit, we offer some in-house financing. With us, you are able to make affordable monthly payments either by check or automatically by credit card, and choose the date your monthly payment is due. We are committed to serving all your needs and will work with you in order to help you achieve the results you desire!
Do you have patient forms I can fill out ahead of my visit?
Yes, we have our forms in PDF format so that you can easily open and print them. Click here.
We Offer a Variety of Products to Improve Your Dental Health, Complement Your Natural Beauty and Enhance Your Life.
As part of our commitment to your health and well-being, we have several carefully selected products available for purchase at Hawk Dental Artistry.
Rotadent ProCare
Rotadent ProCare helps protect restorative and cosmetic dentistry, keeps gums healthy during orthodontic treatment and preserves your healthy smile. Three brush head designs are available to clean even the hardest-to-reach spots. It has been proven to use less brushing force than other power toothbrushes, making it an ideal solution if you have veneers or extra-sensitive gum tissue. Rotadent is safe for use on dental restorations, including crowns, implants, fillings, and bridges. The QuadTimer provides a two-minute brushing cycle and reminds you to move quadrants every 30 seconds. Other features include two brushing speed modes, full 360-degree action, an easy-grip handle and a long-life battery.
Opalesence Take Home Teeth Whitening Gels
Opalescence Take Home Whitening Gels allow you to whiten your teeth at your convenience in a safe, effective, and customized way. The sticky, viscous gel won’t migrate to gums, and most formulations include Potassium Fluoride (PF), which helps to improve oral health by strengthening enamel, decreasing sensitivity, and offering increased cavity prevention. Powerful, prescription-strength Opalescence Take Home Whitening Gels are available with 10%, 10%PF, 15%PF, 20%PF and 35%PF carbamide peroxide and can provide results after just one night, though you can expect to see results in about a week. The gel is delivered via customized bleaching tray. Dr. Hawk will create this tray from an alginate impression of your mouth; this customization is part of why Opalescence Take Home Whitening Gels are so effective.
MI Paste
MI Paste treats tooth sensitivity strengthens teeth and protects enamel.
Saliva helps provide essential minerals that strengthen your teeth and protect the enamel. Various factors can create an acid imbalance that makes it difficult for you to produce saliva and protective minerals. MI Paste is a one-of-a-kind product that restores minerals and helps you produce saliva, making it an ideal treatment for:
- Reversing tooth sensitivity and restoring enamel gloss after whitening procedures
- Relieving dry mouth caused by certain medications
- Reducing high oral acid levels from excessive soft drink consumption
- Reversing tooth sensitivity before and after professional cleaning
- Reducing high oral acid levels – sometimes a consequence of pregnancy
- Buffering acids produced by bacteria and plaque
- Regular conditioning during orthodontics, during and after bands or brackets have been removed
- Providing a topical coating for patients suffering from erosion, caries and conditions arising from xerostomia and Sjogrens syndrome
ControlRx prescription dentifrice can be used in place of regular toothpaste for daily treatment and cleaning. Plus, ControlRx toothpaste is the only Neutral Sodium Fluoride dentifrice that contains Microdent®, a patented ingredient for plaque control. ControlRx therapy provides:
- Tooth decay reduction
- Protection from root surface caries
- Low abrasivity
- Enhanced remineralization
- Refreshing vanilla-mint and berry flavors
If you sometimes suffer from “not-so-fresh” breath, you’re not alone. Over 60 million Americans suffer from bad breath at some point and are in need of treatment. And things like heartburn, antibiotics, acid reflux, diabetes and even low-carb diets can make bad breath worse. BreathRx is a scientific treatment system specially designed to help treat both the causes and symptoms of bad breath. Typical consumer oral care products merely mask problem breath; the BreathRx system attacks the causes of bad breath, killing bacteria and neutralizing odors. BreathRx oral care products are designed to work together as a simple 3-step treatment system that will help to keep your mouth healthy and odor-free.
PreviDent 5000
PreviDent 5000 Plus (Rx) is a prescription-strength fluoride toothpaste that combines the cleaning power of a toothpaste with prescription-strength fluoride for dental caries protection. It is clinically proven to help stop decay from becoming cavities after only three months of proper use. Since PreviDent 5000 Plus is used once a day in place of your regular toothpaste (unless otherwise instructed by Dr. Hawk), it doesn’t require any extra effort. Plus, it comes in great-tasting spearmint and fruit flavors. For our patients suffering from dry mouth, we also offer PreviDent 5000 Dry Mouth.
Great protection against caries and a great flavor. ELEVATE® delivers both with FluoriMax 5000 ppm fluoride toothpaste that:
- Has an optimized pH for fluoride uptake
- Provides higher fluoride uptake than Clinpro™ 5000, Prevident® 5000 Booster Plus and Prevident 5000 Plus1
- Contains 10% xylitol
- Is available in single (3-month supply) tube or a Twin-Pack (6-month supply) package for continuous therapy between appointments
- Comes in vanilla-mint or spearmint (sensitivity version) flavors
- Packaged in an air-travel, TSA-compliant, 3.4 oz tube, for uninterrupted therapy
All Day Dry Mouth Spray/Gel
- Allday dry mouth spray works differently than any other moisturizing mouth spray.
- Patented Allday spray holds 24% more moisture than Biotene® Spray after 2 hours in laboratory tests (1)
- Its unique combination of moisturizers and high concentration of xylitol act like saliva to instantly moisten and soothe your mouth for fast and long-lasting comfort.
- Allday spray is super-saturated with 44% xylitol.
- Xylitol a natural ingredient that that may help prevent cavities (2)
- Is alcohol-free, gluten-free and sugar-free.
Parodontax Oral Rinse/ Toothpaste
Active Gum Health Mouthwash – Mint
Designed for people with bleeding gums, this antiplaque oral rinse kills 99.9% of plaque bacteria*
- Designed for people with bleeding gums
- Kills 99.9% of plaque bacteria*
- Creates an antibacterial shield*
- Kills bad breath germs*
- Alcohol-free
- Fluoride Varnish
- Fluoride varnish is a medical grade protective coating that is applied to teeth to help prevent cavities
Arnica Montana
Arnica Montana is an herb that has been used homeopathically for centuries to speed healing and reduce swelling, bruising and soreness. Arnica Montana is effective when used topically or orally and its healing effects can mean a faster, less uncomfortable, and more cosmetically pleasing recovery. This makes it an ideal product for use in conjunction with certain dental procedures, as well as BOTOX® Cosmetic, Juvéderm™ XC and other dermal injections. While many people only use Arnica Montana after a medical procedure or injury, the benefits can be enhanced by beginning use about two weeks before a procedure.
Snoring cannot only be unpleasant to those around us, but it has been linked directly back to many serious health hazards, including sleep apnea, hypertension, and high blood pressure. Snore guards can drastically reduce or eliminate snoring.